The Poem Of Youth That Has Passed_By Woo Myung

This is one of my favorite writing of Teacher Woo Myung.

Whenever he mentions about our how he dedicated his life and his own determination to
wake up this entire human race to the true world,
I can truly resonate with Teacher Woo Myung's compassion for people to become one with their true nature.
Well let me just cut the chase and share this heart-warming writing.

Silently, my youth disappeared
With the years that passed without a word,
And my body is different from the days of its youth.
My life was spent in futile busy activities,
But it became more and more meaningless.
Everything that I achieved and wanted to achieve
Was in vain and empty.It was the life in a time when man could not become complete
And it was the time of a dream,In which I had resentment and grudges.
After waking from the dream, I found it such a relief,
That all I wanted to have and achieve were not fulfilled.In the dream, without once waking,
I lived wandering and wandering the dream world
Without a day’s rest from my scripted dream.
If there are any regrets about the years that have passed,
It is that I did not wake sooner from the dream
To do the work of the awakened world. It was only when I awoke from the dream
That I was able to know everything in the dream
Were all false things and falsely done.

The law of the world is that all material things in existence
Disappear with the years; this is nature’s law, Truth.
But I was only able to know this when I woke from the dream.
All desires and bitterness exist inside the dream.While I was in the dream
I was filled with bitterness and I had many desires But it is a relief among reliefs,
That I was not able to fulfill those desires
Or resolve my bitterness. Perhaps that is why I easily awoke from the dream. 

Who is the great man and who is the fool?
Only in the dream are there great men and fools.
Outside the dream, everybody is one and lives in freedom.
I have no regrets for my youth that has gone;
Without complaining that the time remaining is too short
And then silently leave this body behind,
But in the world where I worked for -The world of the Soul and Spirit -
Many people will be saved and my land will prosper;
And I will be waiting,For the people who will live forever with me.

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