Teacher Woo Myung's Writing_ Arirang



Woo Myung's clear definition of "arirang"
 "Arirang" (아리랑) is a Korean folk song that is sometimes considered the unofficial national anthem of Korea. (Reference-Wikipedia). It is being sung and played from all over the world since this beautiful melody has an mysterious power of touching and healing our heart deeply.

 As there are numerous variations according to the different provinces, several controversy arose regarding its origin, and what "Arirang" really means. One of the most supported theory is this song is a love song for the one who just underwent parting with the loved one but Teacher Woo Myung made it clear that this beautiful song is originated from the journey of finding Trueself actually. "Arirang" is equivalent to "Ariryeung" in this excerpt below.

‘Ariryeung,’ which appears in a popular Korean folk song, refers to the name of a crest of a mountain. Finding our true self is like crossing the crest. People think that in order to find something there must be an actual place for us to search. When we say crossing over the crest in order to find our true selves, it means that we must find the God or Buddha within us.

Only those who have freed themselves of their own delusions and demons are able to cross the summit. Only those why no longer have their own selves can gain their true selves.
‘Ariryeung’ is an old Korean folk song with the lyrics: “My lover who abandons me will not get far because his feet hurt so bad.” The verse means that one who abandons his true self no longer has a path to take.

He who has abandoned this true self does not have new life and lives in his own delusional thoughts. This is death. The verse mentioned above is the same as one written in the Buddhist sutras: “Let’s go! Let’s make haste and go! Over that hill we go!” Furthermore, even the Christian Bible indicates that we will meet after having crossed the River Jordan.

<Bonus Clip: Yuna Kim's Performance with "Arirang">

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