The Subtraction Method


The Maum Meditation’s Unique Subtraction Method
The Maum Meditation’s method is essentially subtraction; it is ground-breaking and unique in that it is possible to completely eliminate all of one’s false human minds using the method.

People make their own mind-worlds by storing their memories as images, and live trapped inside these self-made worlds. Moreover, they believe these worlds to be the real world, because the images they have taken of everything they have seen, heard, and experienced perfectly overlap the real world.

True World & False World

Overlap True World and False World.

The reason we are unsatisfied with our lives and there are moments when we feel our lives are meaningless, is we do not live in the real world but in the false world we have each made. This self-made world is called the illusionary world or the picture world because it does not actually exist.
In order to escape from the illusionary world, we must discard the illusionary pictures we have taken as well as our very selves constructed with these illusions. When this happens, it is possible to live in the real world, and only then, can we know true happiness.

The Methods of the 8 Levels to Discard False Minds

Level 1 : Discarding remembered thoughts (The level of knowing the Universe is one’s self)
Level 2 : Discarding images of self and relationships (The level of knowing there are no [false] minds)
Level 3 : Discarding the body (The level of knowing the Universe exists within one’s self)
Level 4 : Discarding the body and the universe (The level of knowing the original Soul and Spirit)
Level 5 : Discarding the body and the universe
(The level of knowing the original Soul and Spirit and the world of the original Soul and Spirit)
Level 6 : Eliminating one’s self and becoming the universe
(The level of becoming the original Soul and Spirit)
Level 7 : Discarding the illusionary world and the self that is living in that world
Level 8: Eliminating everything, being resurrected as the Truth and living a life of the Truth

The Maum Meditation consists of 8 levels through which one discards his false minds. As one progresses through each level, there is enlightenment that comes naturally, to the extent one’s consciousness has been awakened. When all levels have been completed, one comes to fully realize his true original nature and live eternally with the true mind. It is when one is reborn in the true world as his true self that one experiences the utmost happiness a human being can have.
The age of subtraction has begun to unfold. With the Maum Meditation as a firm foundation, people who subtract their false minds in this age will become one without separation between you and me, and live the lives of peaceful coexistence. The reason Maum Meditation is creating a world-wide sensation is none other than the fact that the method that can completely eliminate one’s false minds exists.

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