The Subtraction Method


The Maum Meditation’s Unique Subtraction Method
The Maum Meditation’s method is essentially subtraction; it is ground-breaking and unique in that it is possible to completely eliminate all of one’s false human minds using the method.

People make their own mind-worlds by storing their memories as images, and live trapped inside these self-made worlds. Moreover, they believe these worlds to be the real world, because the images they have taken of everything they have seen, heard, and experienced perfectly overlap the real world.

True World & False World

Overlap True World and False World.

The reason we are unsatisfied with our lives and there are moments when we feel our lives are meaningless, is we do not live in the real world but in the false world we have each made. This self-made world is called the illusionary world or the picture world because it does not actually exist.
In order to escape from the illusionary world, we must discard the illusionary pictures we have taken as well as our very selves constructed with these illusions. When this happens, it is possible to live in the real world, and only then, can we know true happiness.

The Methods of the 8 Levels to Discard False Minds

Level 1 : Discarding remembered thoughts (The level of knowing the Universe is one’s self)
Level 2 : Discarding images of self and relationships (The level of knowing there are no [false] minds)
Level 3 : Discarding the body (The level of knowing the Universe exists within one’s self)
Level 4 : Discarding the body and the universe (The level of knowing the original Soul and Spirit)
Level 5 : Discarding the body and the universe
(The level of knowing the original Soul and Spirit and the world of the original Soul and Spirit)
Level 6 : Eliminating one’s self and becoming the universe
(The level of becoming the original Soul and Spirit)
Level 7 : Discarding the illusionary world and the self that is living in that world
Level 8: Eliminating everything, being resurrected as the Truth and living a life of the Truth

The Maum Meditation consists of 8 levels through which one discards his false minds. As one progresses through each level, there is enlightenment that comes naturally, to the extent one’s consciousness has been awakened. When all levels have been completed, one comes to fully realize his true original nature and live eternally with the true mind. It is when one is reborn in the true world as his true self that one experiences the utmost happiness a human being can have.
The age of subtraction has begun to unfold. With the Maum Meditation as a firm foundation, people who subtract their false minds in this age will become one without separation between you and me, and live the lives of peaceful coexistence. The reason Maum Meditation is creating a world-wide sensation is none other than the fact that the method that can completely eliminate one’s false minds exists.

Teacher Woo Myung's Teaching: Maum Meditation Introductory Lecture

Teacher Woo Myung is the founder of Maum Meditation as well as the bestselling author and poet of numerous books. In addition to being actively involved in writing, teacher Woo Myung also provides lectures worldwide. His newest book, Stop Living in This Land Go to the Everlasting World of Happiness Live There Forever, was recorded in the Top 100 bestseller list of 2012 on Woo Myung was the first Korean single author to have achieved this record.

Moreover, he has won gold medals for various international book awards, including IPPY, National Indie Excellence Awards, International Book Awards, and eLit Book Awards in the categories of spirituality, mind and philosophy. This book has also garnered much attention and interest around the world in the subject of the mind and emptying the mind.

Maum Meditation, a non-profit organization, currently operates over 340 centers worldwide and continues to grow. Maum Meditation is active in various projects such as providing free Maum Talk concerts, conducting Stress-Free Campaigns and volunteer medical, dental, and hairdressing services for the elderly and needy. Maum Meditation also participates in environmental cleanup efforts.

In 2002, the International Association of Educators for World Peace, UN-NGO awarded teacher Woo Myung with the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize and appointed him as a world peace ambassador for his dedication and contribution of Maum Meditation to society which provides the method to introspection and actualize peace for all of mankind.

▶ Maum Meditation Official Website :
▶ Teacher Woo Myung :
▶ Wisdom's Webzine :
▶ Cham books :

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Great Master Woo Myung- The Method Begins


Subtraction Formula

Scientific and Systematic 8-Level Method

The method of Maum Meditation was developed in succession, level by level, until people became complete. Woo Myung’s method of subtraction is scientific and systematic - as much as one discards his false self and subtracts his false minds, enlightenment is experienced to that extent.
Enlightenment is what one comes to know as much as he has become free from his self-centered minds. There are enlightenments that come without having to be taught them as one subtracts his mind, after mastery of each level. There is a way to self-confirm the enlightenments with each level as he progresses.
It is possible to find one’s true self that is liberated from all things - one’s original nature and true self that is one with the infinite Universe. A person who has become completely enlightened of this becomes one with all things, and naturally comes to live a life of the Truth, which is a life lived for others.

Formula for Human Completion

Way to Human Completion

“The way to the Truth must be one that anyone can follow; it must be scientific and systematic, and there must be as much enlightenment as one has cleansed his mind.” - Woo Myung

A Method for Human Completion - the First in Human History

In January of 1996, Woo Myung became the Truth and no longer needed to cleanse his mind. However he realized that his fate was to teach the Truth and he began to ponder on the question of how to teach people so that they could reach the Truth as easily as possible. For the next few years, he studied the question of how people could also achieve completion from their perspectives, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Maum Meditation method is a result of his persistent efforts, and is the first and only method for human completion in our human history.
What differentiates it from other forms of meditation is the fact that the source of human minds can be fundamentally eliminated completely. Reflecting on Woo Myung’s words that stated, “The Truth is ordinary; it is common sense and it is universally applicable,” the method is easy enough for all people, from small children to the elderly, to follow and it is achievable by anybody.
The method of Maum Meditation, which came level by level, has changed people’s consciousness as well as their lives. Through the method, Woo Myung has opened up the path to the widest, highest, and deepest consciousness of the Universe for the most ordinary of people.

Change the World

The Method of Subtraction Creates a World-Wide Sensation

Until now, becoming complete was something that could not even be imagined, let alone achieved. Through Woo Myung’s passion and dedication, it has now become possible for anyone to discard their human minds with the subtraction method. To date, thousands of people of many different cultures, races and backgrounds have been able to change their lives and find true happiness. More importantly, they have been able to become one with the infinite Universe and live eternally with the consciousness of the Universe.
Woo Myung tells us that living eternally is the crux of human completion. Through the method, mankind’s continuous search for spiritual growth and lasting happiness is being answered. This is why the Maum Meditation has caused a sensation all over the world, as human completion is a natural path for everyone to pursue. Until everyone in the world knows and has access to the method of completion, Woo Myung, with the infinite Universe mind, continues his relentless journey of compassion and hopeto spread his teachings to this day.

Teacher Woo Myung's Artwork

Completion is that one is reborn as the body and mind of the universe.
The truth is the living existence and the falseness is non-existence.

Stop Living in This Land. Go To the Everlasting World of Happiness. Live There Forever.

Teacher Woo Myung's Writing: Abandon

It is great earnest that I say to you,
abandon your attachments;
abandon your discernments;
abandon what you know;
abandon your pride;
abandon anything and everything in your subconscious that moves you;
completely remove the fundamental roots
of all your thoughts.
You will not die if you abandon them.
You will not lose if you abandon them.
You will gain something greater.
If you do not abandon them
you will never reach enlightenment,
nor find your self that is at peace.
You will be Buddha if you reach enlightenment,
so why is it that you do not abandon them?
You lived creating enough kleshas in your mind,
those futile delusions.
What good have they done you?
Why are you unable to let go of them
when they provide no aid or benefit?
Let them go immediately.
Do you intend to continue fighting your kleshas?
Be simple and innocent.
Be like a child.
Be a person that knows nothing.
Abandon your curiosity.
Do not be cunning.
Abandon wealth and prosperity.
Such things are what sicken you;
they are your worst enemies.
There are steps that must be taken for all things.
Thus if you wish to reach enlightenment,
you must take action
by abandoning the things you have,
for unless you do, you will never reach it.
If you still do not wish to let go of them,
let us consider
the countless people who have departed before you:
Are the heroes of the times or the eternal saints still alive now?
Is there anything that is indeed eternal?
They are all futile dreams of the past.
So truly let go of all that is yours -
those pointless things -
right now.
Once you do, you will find your eternal self,
which is a priceless treasure you must indeed find
while you are alive as a human being.
This is something that cannot be done
unless you are a human being,
and opportunities do not come often.
If you do not let go now
you will lose this chance for all eternity.
Time will not wait for you:
Who will you blame when you are without enlightenment?
- Woo Myung

Woo Myung Cast - True Love

Please stay tuned for the next Woo Myung Cast
where you can listen to great Teacher Woo Myung's 
words of wisdom and Truth.

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Woo Myung Cast - Wind II

When the wind blows
man asks why the wind is blowing.
Man's mind changes day and night.
If you were to ask me why,
I would tell you that it is because of
the fixed habits of his body.
Man judges and resents the blowing wind,
but the wind does not give care to this.
Without notice or warning,
the wind tries to coax him -
even provoke him -
so that he may seek to understand its will.
The wind does this without the mind of having done it.
The wind is without a mind,
but man judges it - he even curses it -
all the while pretending to be good
to others that are of the same religion as him
and to Jesus, Gautama Buddha, and Mohammed;
for sure, he does not curse them.
The wind does not resent man who is childish;
it does not even pretend to hear man,
but simply goes about doing its duty
silently and heedlessly.
The wind blows regardless of man and his mind.
-Woo Myung

From <Nature's Flow>

Woo Myung Cast - Will You Vanish Forever Or Live As An Immortal

Please stay tuned for the next Woo Myung Cast where you can listen
to great Teacher Woo Myung's words of wisdom and Truth.

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