Teacher Woo Myung's Writings_www.wisdomswebzine.com

From Despair To Hope

Woo Myung's Illustration

Even a long time ago, there were people living in the world.
The many people who lived in the world throughout the ages have all disappeared,
silently and without a trace.
While they lived, they were attached to the realities of their daily lives and
they suffered because they tried to possess everything,
but despite agonizing over the meaningless events of life, no trace of them remains.

Ultimately, there is no meaning in human life.
The only way for man to live forever and escape from suffering and burden is to die,
while he is still living. Only then can he find his true self.
His true self is God who remains when he is dead.
Even if all people and the world disappear,
what remains is the existence without form, taste, scent, sight, hearing and sensation.
That is, the existence for which these minds have completely ceased remains; namely, the original foundation.

If one is reborn from the original foundation, man and the world become eternal and never-dying immortals, and both the world and man live, for they become God that never dies.

Discarding falseness and becoming real is the only path to life. People want to become real but at the same time keep the falseness; there are not many people who know that they can only become real if they throw away what is false. 

People have such strong attachments to their falseness that they look for Truth within it. They do not know that Truth does not exist within falseness – that is how foolish people are. The right way, or the answer, is to discard falseness so that only Truth remains, and to be reborn as Truth. -Woo Myung-

Find more Teacher Woo Myung's writings on www.wisdomswebzine.com

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