Woo Myung's Writing: How To Treat Others

Poem | Woo Myung
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Here is the clear guidance by Teacher Woo Myung how to treat others and reasons why we are going through hardships in our lives:

Where do we confront the difficulties the most in our lives?
There are many factors which I encounter frustration but among all, failure of "good" relationships with the people you care about and having to experiencing that relationship just falls apart before your eyes can be truly hurtful. After the turmoil, we tell ourselves that we won't make that mistake again and we will treat others better, more whole-heartily. But, how?

When dealing with another,
do so with the absence of your mind.
When you do this,
that person will feel at utmost ease.
When you do this,
you will become one with that person.
When you become one with him,
he will listen to your words,
which are free of mind.

Love, compassion, and benevolence
confine the mind of another,
for they are all attachments;
they are undesirable,
for they cause you to create karma
which is what gives birth to the human mind.
If a person attempts to do you harm out of greed
avoid him,
but do so absent of the thought that you are doing it.
This means that no impressions will be left in his mind
and neither will any be left in yours.
If a conflict occurs between you and another due to his greed,
stand by his side and agree absent of mind;
pretend that you too are greedy
and then slip out later.
This means that so long as you do not become immersed in his way of thinking,
that mind of greediness will be his
while you will remain as you are.

Why do we undergo trials in life?
We undergo them because of our own karmas.
If you were to ask me how you can overcome
the trials you are experiencing due to your karmic ties,
I would tell that
you must not afford your mind to those trials,
or in other words that
the trials do not exist unless you are present in them.
-Woo Myung-

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