To The People Who Hate Me |
How do you react when someone throws hatred at you?
Sometimes, you would flip back right away or, you would just hold into yourself
and try to "endure"-but more like repress how you really feel from inside hoping that either reaction might make me move on faster.
But how about changing our viewpoint completely upside down?: From being frustrated to rather being grateful even for the people who hate me for giving me the opportunity to introspect my own hatred within and eventually helping me to let it go. Wouldn't this be a true compassion upon everyone no matter who they are, what they do?
Here is the poem by Teacher Woo Myung which will heal your heart whenever you feel anger, sadness, and bitterness especially through relationships with people.
To the People Who Hate Me
To the people who hate me
Thank you for teaching me
That I have hatred in my mind
To my enemies
Thank you for teaching me
That I have enemies remaining in my mind
To those who scold me, to those who nag me
Thank you for teaching me
That I have scolding and nagging in my mind
When I see faults in others
I will know that those faults are in me
and be thankful
When I have discomfort in my mind because of this thing or that thing
I am thankful for that mind