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Maum Tale: Episode 18. To Escape From Pain


Episode 18. To Escape From Pain

A young man is sitting on the street and crying. An old man passes by and asks, “Hey, why are you crying here alone?” “It is too painful to live. I lost my job today. I have my wife and kids. It is hopeless to maintain our livelihood,” replies the young man.

The old man says, “Hey, young man, you are still young but you are forgetting about what’s really important. In order to escape from the pain you are experiencing now, you need to realize that your life is false and exists like a shadow.”


The young man asks him back, “What do you mean?” The old man continues, “It is what it literally means. Life is false, an illusion and a dream. Someone said that life is like a bubble. The stories and pain you are experiencing now are all false. So you need to know that and escape from that bubble-like life. It’s important to find your true life.”


The young man says, “Hey, you don’t know my situation now. You are alone and have no wife and kids. But for me, I should give some food to my family and keep our life. You only care for yourself, don’t you?”


The old man says, “If you understand what I say, you could escape from your pain. I feel sorry for you. It was my pleasure to meet you.” The old man left.

From teacher Woo Myung’s book, Stop Living In This Land Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness Live There Forever…

God’s World Beyond the Human World

Man has been in the world for a long time; he is born in the world through the balance and harmony of creation and is able to live by the will of heaven and earth. However, he lives as he wishes; he makes his own world and lives thinking he is alive because of his own greatness. He does not know that he exists because the world exists. He does not have any thankfulness for the world and he only acknowledges what suits the framework of his mind; if it does not suit it, he rejects it as being wrong.

We need to think about what the source of the world is, that is, what the existence of the origin is. Let us think for a moment that we had not been born in the world; in that case, the universe would still exist. And if all the stars in the sky that were created by the universe had never been created, then only the empty sky would exist. This existence, the empty sky, existed before the beginning, exists presently and will exist an eternity after. It is the original foundation that exists of and by itself. It is the eternally-living, never-dying Jung and Shin, the Soul and Spirit, the Holy Father and Holy Spirit, Dharmakaya and Sambhogakaya.

There is absolutely nothing in this existence but the one God exists amidst the nothingness. The nothingness is the body of the universe and the one God is the mind of the universe. The word ‘holy’ refers to this existence; it is holy because it is alive and creates all of heaven and earth. It is the way of the world that all of creation comes from this existence and returns to this existence. The Korean euphemism for death, ‘he has returned’ means that when you die you return to this existence.

This existence is the origin, the source and the Creator. This existence is the master of the living universe. This existence brought forth heaven and earth and created heaven and earth. This existence itself is the master and owner of this universe and from the viewpoint of this existence, if man is living a self-centered life, he is not living a life of righteousness.

Man lives in his own mind and is thus a sinner who acts against the original foundation that is Truth and the master of the world. The original form of God is the infinite universe – the empty sky itself. Man was made to resemble God but he copies into his mind everything in the world that God has created and has constructed his own mind world. God is the world that is true, and what man has made is a world of a video, a type of picture. A photograph is a print on paper of what belongs to the world, but man prints and keeps in his mind of what belongs to the world and all that has happened in the world. The place where man is living overlaps the real world and so he mistakenly thinks he is living in the world but he is actually living inside a world of a video. This is his karma and the reason he is a sinner.

God’s world is not that of the human world, but the true world that can be seen. Even though man is born into the world, he has never once lived in the world. When he destroys his mind world and his self disappears, he can then go to the world of God, the true world. Beyond the complete destruction of the human world, the illusionary world, lies the true world, the world of God. When man who is a sinner and an illusion disappears, he can go to the true world of God.

Due to the fact that man is incomplete, people follow the words of saints and we have heard of those who strive to become saints themselves. However, only God knows the way to get to the land of God and only he can give new birth to those who have come to the land of God.

The world of God is the land where one lives as an eternal immortal. Therefore the Savior must be the master of the world. He will take people to the world of God and enable them to be reborn in this world and he will also enable the world to be reborn in the world of God. In other words, only when everything in the universe is reborn in the empty sky, the origin, as the substance of the empty sky, can it live eternally like the empty sky.

The human world is a false world,
The human world is a fake world,
The human world is a non-existent world,
The human world is a dead world.
The human world is one without life,
The human world is a world of hell,
The human world is a world of pictures,
And the human world is that of suffering and burden.

But God’s world is the world of reality,
God’s world is a real world.
God’s world is a world that exists,
God’s world is one that is alive.
God’s world is a world that has life,
God’s world is the world of heaven,
God’s world is what the pictures have been taken of –
The original form of the world.
God’s world is that of freedom and liberation.

The way to go to God’s world beyond the human world is by dying and completely destroying one’s mind world. Maum Meditation has this method which is the reason it is causing such a sensation around the world.

2014 The Eric Hoffer Award Winner (Montaigne Medal)

2014 The Eric Hoffer Award Winner (Montaigne Medal) 

"Where You Become True Is The Place Of Truth" - Author Woo Myung

 / Cham books

Each year, the Eric Hoffer Award for books presents the Montaigne Medal to the most thought-provoking book(s). These are books that either illuminate, progress, or redirect thought. The Montaigne Medal is given in honor of the great French philosopher Michel de Montaigne, who influenced people such as William Shakespeare, RenĂ© Descartes, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Eric Hoffer. This is an additional distinction beneath the Eric Hoffer Award umbrella.

"I felt all the time he was writing about me. He knew my innermost thoughts." -Eric Hoffer, from his memoir, Truth Imagined

Maum Tale: Episode 17. Water in a Skull


1500 years ago, there was a famous monk named Won Hyo in Korea. Won Hyo thought he would become a better monk if he went to China to attain more knowledge about Buddhism. He embarked on a long journey to China with his colleague, ‘Eui Sang’.

water in a skull

He continued his journey on foot and one day, he was passing one region in Baek-je. They faced a very heavy rain so they sought out some shelter. They took shelter in a very safe looking cave and decided to stay one night inside the cave.

water in a skull

While he was sleeping, Won Hyo woke up and felt extremely thirsty. He was groping the darkness for something to drink. He found water in a gourd and drank it without hesitation. The water was cool and refreshing, and it quenched his thirst. He could fall asleep again.

water in a skull

Next morning, Won Hyo and Eui Sang woke up and they were frightened by the skulls scattered around them. The shelter they had spent one night in was not a cave but an old grave. Also, Won Hyo realized that the fresh water in the gourd that quenched his thirst was actually some stagnant water in a skull. The moment he realized this, he threw up.
water in a skull

Through this experience, Won Hyo had attained a big realization about how important one’s mind was. He then reflected and realized that he had been trying to become a good monk by attaining more knowledge about Buddhism. Won Hyo then cancelled his plan to study in China and abandoned his position as a monk. He became a laity again and reverentially devoted himself to meditation through his entire life. He gave inspiration to many laities.

water in a skull

Like this story, the type of mind that we have in every moment decides the world that we live. If my mind is a real mind now, I would be living in the real world. If my mind is a false mind, I would be living in the false world. Then, how can you know whether your mind is a real mind or a false mind? To answer this, I would like to introduce you to a piece of writing by Teacher Woo Myung who has presented a clear answer about the real mind and the false mind.

The Human Mind I

Man’s eyes, nose, ears, mouth and body were made as picture-taking tools from birth, and his mind is where the pictures taken of the world are stored. What we call sin or karma is taking pictures of that which belongs to the world and living in those pictures in one’s mind, instead of having a mind that is one with the world. Such a person is a sinner – one who has accumulated karma – because he has betrayed the origin that is the world by making and living in his own world.
When man dies after living in the world, he ends up dying forever because he lives in an illusion, a world that does not exist in the real world. However one who has been absolved of all his sins and has been reborn in Truth is an eternal immortal. Man does not know this because his mind is overlapping the world and he mistakenly thinks he is living in the real world. His sin is living in an illusionary world that he himself has made in his own mind. This is why life is futile; why life is that of a weed, a cloud, a bubble and something that simply does not, exist.
Man, whose mind is false, is always hungry, which is why he constantly tries to consume things, and tries to gain and seek Truth from what he has consumed. However, such actions only add more falseness to falseness; adding ever more suffering and burden. Only by discarding those burdens, and by this path only, can one truly become Truth.
While the time of incompletion was the period of addition and gain, the time of completion is one of subtraction. If one eliminates all that is false, only what is true will remain. Because man is false he can become true when he is eliminated. Those who try to gain Truth while holding onto falseness cannot achieve Truth, and even if they do achieve it, it is false.
The human mind is one’s own world that he made by taking pictures of the world and engraving his emotions therein; emotions made by what he has seen, heard, smelled and felt in his mind. The human mind only has pictures; it is an illusionary mind that is self-centered and selfish – a mind that knows only itself.

From <Stop Living In This Land, Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness, Live There Forever> by Teacher Woo Myung

Story Source : Wikipedia – Wonhyo (

Maum Meditation International Conference on Human Completion 2014


Organized by Academic Society for Human Completion _
Sponsored by UCLA , Center for Korean Studies


The Academic Society for Human Completion (ASHC) invites you to the 2014 International Conference on Human Completion to be held in UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) on Saturday, May 3, 2014. The theme of this conference is “Maum Meditation: Happiness, Peace, and Coexistence.
” In order to achieve happiness, peace, and coexistence, most people attempt “adding” to their
minds, such as trying to internalize moral codes or substituting one state of mind (anger) for another (cool off). These attempts often are unsuccessful and may only provide temporary fixes because they mainly rely on accumulations of false minds.
Only solution to accomplish the state of happiness, peace, and coexistence is through enlightenment of the original mind by cleansing or subtracting the false mind. Based on this principle of subtraction, the ASHC organized the International Conference in which discussions will ensue on new ideas of Maum Meditation as possible alternatives to achieve happiness, peace, and coexistence.
Maum Meditation is “A practice for men to change false human minds into the true Universe mind through subtraction and to eternally enjoy his happy, peaceful life and beautiful coexistence with others”. This International Conference will introduce basic theory, intervention effects of the Maum Meditation and its practice resulting in transformational changes in psychological well-being, depression, aggressiveness, anxiety, etc.
We cordially invite you and your creative ideas and discussions, which could facilitate authentic happiness, peace, and coexistence in becoming a reality for everyone.
Dr. Chong-Bum Lee
General Chairman, International Conference on Human Completion 2014



“Maum Meditation: Happiness, Peace, and Coexistence”

Date and Location

Date: Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 (10AM to 5PM)
Location: UCLA Humanities Lecture Room A51, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Administration and Sponsorship:
Administered by the Academic Society for Human Completion
Sponsored by the Center for Korean Studies, UCLA, USA

Special Event 1

Title: UCLA Maum Meditation Workshop
Mind subtraction program for happiness improvement
Date: Saturday, May 03 / 2014, 3:00~5:30pm
Venue: Humanities Bldg. R135, University of California, Los Angeles
Fee $50(parking & lunch included)
Program Highlights:
: Short Film
: Enlightening Lecture
• What is the human mind vs. the Universe mind
• Why is the Maum Subtraction Method the fastest growing meditation in the world
• What is Human Completion and how can you become complete
• From the era of adding to the new era of subtracting
• Guided reflection into the human mind
• Self-confirmation of the human mind world
• Introduction to the Maum Subtraction Method
• Experience the power of subtracting

Special Event 2

Art exhibition by children worldwide
TitleYouths, imagine beautiful world
Messages of happiness, peace, and coexistence from youths worldwide to all humanity. The event for the world’s youths, who are the owners of future world, to send the messages of true happiness, peace, and coexistence to all humanity.
Date: Saturday, May 03 / 2014
Location: UCLA Campus
Participation: Children and youths from 35 countries worldwide